May 2020

The Fruit of the Spirit: Self-Control, part 3


The Fruit of the Spirit: Self-Control, part 3

How to develop the type of self discipline we need to live out the will of God.

Remember, the fruit of the Spirit is:

The Character of Christ generated within you by the work of the Holy Spirit

Independent of your circumstances

Yours for the choosing.

God Bless,


ps. I hope this series has been a blessing to you and helped you in your life as a Believer. I’d love to hear from you, so please post a comment, send me an email, follow me on Facebook, or something to let m know you have been encouraged. Thanks! […]

The Fruit of the Spirit: Self-Control, part 32020-05-26T17:21:33-05:00

The Fruit of the Spirit is: Self-Control, part 2


The Fruit of the Spirit is: Self-Control, part 2

God’s solution for our self Control needs is a “hierarchy of authority” within you.
He wants you to succeed in running your life well. Here’s how.

God Bless,


The Fruit of the Spirit is: Self-Control, part 22020-05-19T20:39:18-05:00

Fruit of the Spirit is SELF CONTROL, part 1


Self control, self discipline, willpower… this concept lies at the very heart of why we do or don’t do what we genuinely desire in our heart.

Get this one right and many other issues fall into place.
So important is it to our success that it took three sessions to get a good handle on it.

May the Good Lord bless you and build His kind of self control into our hearts and minds.

God Bless,

Fruit of the Spirit is SELF CONTROL, part 12020-05-13T20:53:47-05:00

The Fruit of the Spirit: GENTLENESS


The Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness

The Character of Christ generated within you by the work of the Holy Spirit. Independent of your circumstances. Your for the choosing.

Gentleness is “Strength under control”, the twofold attribute of power and servanthood, of Warrior and Servant, of Lion and Lamb.

God Bless,

The Fruit of the Spirit: GENTLENESS2020-05-05T13:24:08-05:00

April 2020

The Fruit of the Spirit: FAITHFULNESS


The Fruit of the Spirit is… FAITHFULNESS

It is the Character of Christ generated within you by the Holy Spirit.
Independent of your circumstances.
Yours for the Choosing.

Thank God for His Faithfulness

God Bless,

The Fruit of the Spirit: FAITHFULNESS2020-04-30T12:37:24-05:00

The Fruit of the Spirit: GOODNESS


The Fruit of the Spirit is… GOODNESS

The Character of Christ generated within you by the Holy Spirit
Independent of your circumstances
Yours for the Choosing

God Bless,

The Fruit of the Spirit: GOODNESS2020-04-02T13:16:57-05:00

March 2020

The Fruit of the Spirit is… KINDNESS


The Fruit of the Spirit is: KINDNESS

Kindness is: Helping others out of the Love of GOD.

And remember, all the fruit of the Spirit are:
* The character of Christ generated in you by the Holy Spirit
* Independent of your circumstances
* Yours for the choosing
God Bless, and may He increase our Kindness!


The Fruit of the Spirit is… KINDNESS2020-03-31T14:54:20-05:00

The Fruit of the Spirit is… LONG-SUFFERING


The Fruit of the Spirit is: LONG-SUFFERING

It’s not what you think; it’s a wonderful attribute.

And remember, all the fruit of the Spirit are:
* The character of Christ generated in you by the Holy Spirit
* Independent of your circumstances
* Yours for the choosing
God Bless, and may He increase our “long-suffering” abilities!


The Fruit of the Spirit is… LONG-SUFFERING2020-04-15T15:36:36-05:00

The Fruit of the Spirit: JOY (video devotional)


The Fruit of the Spirit is: JOY (Galatians 5:22)

The Fruit of the Spirit is:

* The Character of Christ generated within you by the Holy Spirit
* Independent of your circumstances
* Yours for the choosing

God Bless,

The Fruit of the Spirit: JOY (video devotional)2020-03-24T21:51:28-05:00


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