Spirituality = Christlikeness


We desire to grow spiritually, but as Christians what does that mean? Does it mean we have more faith? -a better prayer life? -stronger ethics and morals…?


How can we know we are growing, or even aim for it without a clear understanding or what it means?


Well for us, spirituality means Christlikeness, that we identify ourselves with Him, we are followers of Jesus, imitators of Him.


The word “Christian” means “little Christ”. It was a first century put-down of those who were followers of “The Way” (See Acts 11:26). What was meant as an insult, we wear as a badge of honor.


Now if we have a Vision of ourselves as more Christlike, that means we want the Identity of Christian; we want to be more like Christ.


Therefore, to build that Identity, we want a Plan and SMART Goals that will develop more of the Character of Christ.


Now if we list the attributes, the character traits of Christ mentioned in the New Testament it would be a very long list. So where do we begin?


I suggest we start with the Fruit of the Spirit.


In Galatians 5:22-23 we find listed the “fruit of the Spirit”, a list of nine of the personal characteristics of Jesus Christ that are imparted to Christians by the power of the Holy Spirit of Christ within you. Since the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus Christ, these characteristics are His.


Here are the first three: Love, Joy, and Peace


Christ’s life on earth was characterized by love, joy, and peace. If you developed more of these characteristics, if you became more loving, joyful, and peaceful, if you could honestly be described as a loving, joyful, peaceful person, would you not be more Christlike? Would you not grow as a Christian, and therefor grow in spirituality?


Of course you would. And here’s good news: that is His desire for you. That means it is attainable by Christian folk like us.



Now remember from an earlier session the progression of becoming who you are, or who you want to be (see the post, “Knowledge to Identity: Why You Are Who You Are”):


The eight steps are: Knowledge/info; Understanding/meaning; Wisdom/applied to myself; Belief/Faith; Action; Habits; Character; Identity


So to produce that Character of Christ, what Habits could I work on? And what Actions can I take regularly to build those habits?


Now we’re getting somewhere! I’ve worked my way up from Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom, and Belief, so now I’m ready to take Action and work on some Habits. Because Habits generate Character.


So in working on my Habits, what SMART Goals can I set and achieve?


Let’s start with the first of the Fruit of the Spirit/Character of Christ: Love.


What Actions can I DO to express Love as a daily Habit?


Let’s start with your family. How can you treat your family more lovingly each day? What can you do for them to express your love for them?

Could you tell them? Can you spend time with them? Can you serve them? These are actions of love.


The more you habitually do things for them out of love, the more you grow in the character of Christian Love.


Ask the same thing about your desire to love God. What can you do each day as an expression of your love for Him?


Can you tell Him (Worship), can you spend time with Him (prayer and Bible reading), can you serve Him (by serving others in His Name)?


What about your neighbor, your Christian brothers and sisters, and your fellow man? What can you make a Habit out of saying and doing to express the love of Christ?


(Note: Maybe this will help. Here’s a good, solid, fundamental definition of “Love” as the Bible speaks of it: Love is a desire to meet the needs of another person.)


And what about Joy, Peace, and all the rest? What can you do daily to express more joy? What will you do to generate more peace of heart, of mind, and in your environment?


Wrestle with these concepts, wrap your mind around them, and turn them into your Vision, Plan, and SMART Goals that you may grow in spirituality, which means to grow in genuine Christlikeness.


God Bless you, “Christian”



Ps. Don’t get overwhelmed trying to do all this at once. Pick just one or two concepts that you need to implement and get them established in your mind, heart, and Habits. For instance, just work on “love” for a while before tackling the others. You’ll find that love is the Key to growth in many other areas.


Pps. Notice how we are building our concepts and ideas into a System for our thoughts and actions. Over time these will all become an integrated way of living. Mentioned (in italics) in this article are:

Vision, Plans, and SMART Goals

The eight steps from Knowledge to Identity, especially the steps of Belief, Action, Habit and Character.