
BLOG          Featured Posts by Johnny D. Taylor

Jesus is Lord over Satan

Jesus is Lord over Satan EVERY knee will bow, and EVERY tongue will confess Jesus Christ is Lord... even Satan. Here is the origin, career, and ultimate end of the "Adversary". God Bless, ~Johnny (Sunday [...]

The Occult

The Occult The Lord God tells His people to have nothing to do with the powers of spiritual darkness, and for good reason; they are real, they are dangerous, and they lead away from the [...]

Power of Joy part 1: Choose Joy

Power of Joy part 1: Choose Joy Joy is ours for the choosing because it is the joy of the LORD, and is based on more than the circumstances of our life. Choose Joy. ~Johnny [...]

Your Relationships with the Lord: Your JUDGE

Your Relationships with the Lord: Your JUDGE Every person who ever lives must appear before Almighty God, the Righteous Judge, and give account of themselves and what they did with Jesus Christ. Believer and unbeliever [...]

Your Relationships with the Lord: Your LORD

Your Relationships with the Lord: Your LORD "Lord" means ultimate authority. Whatever you willingly place under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ He deals with as only He can. He is LORD over all; [...]

Salvation and Baptism: What’s the Difference?

Salvation and Baptism: What's the Difference? Here is a clear and simple explanation of the difference between salvation through Jesus Christ, and water baptism by the Church. God Bless, ~Johnny https://youtu.be/ucNiqnvMmvc  

Your Relationships with the LORD: CREATOR

Your Relationships with the LORD: CREATOR Of all the relationships we have with the Lord, it all begins with Him as our Creator, and we as His creation. This message contains a VERY important principle [...]

School Kids

School Kids 8-15-21 As our beloved School Kids return to school in these turbulent times, we need to understand their concerns and give them all the support and love we can as families and Churches. [...]

Nehemiah and the Enemies of Good

Nehemiah and the Enemies of Good Passion, purpose, mission, calling, and accomplishment. These are the attributes of Nehemiah, the Wall-Builder of Jerusalem. Here is the process for all of us to find and pursue our [...]

Johnny D. Taylor

   Hi, I’m Johnny D. Taylor

I am a Christian minister, author, naturalist, and eternal optimist. I encourage and empower followers of Jesus Christ to know the heart of God and find their purpose in life so they can enjoy a companionship with Almighty God and live with a greater sense of fulfillment. My wife Evelyn and I have been married for forty wonderful years and live in Arkansas.


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